Brendan was an Australian with Lyme Disease whom I first "met" on a Lyme chat group. Despite the fact that he was very sick, Brendan's posts were always upbeat and his interest was in helping others to understand the disease as much as possible. His posts were always very clear and easy to understand and his explanation to any "newbies" to the group about treatments or sending bloods for Igenex testing were always very detailed. In order that Brendan's dream (to ensure people got appropriate testing) continues, this section is dedicated to his memory and includes his explanation of how to send blood for testing.
Testing for Lyme Disease / Borreliosis
Australian Laboratories
Australian Biologics: Location: Sydney, Australia. A range of tests for Lyme disease is available. Testing is also available for opportunistic infections such as Mycoplasma and Chlamydophila (Chlamydia) pneumoniae (Cpn). Whilst many people may carry infections such as Cpn, immune compromised individuals may be more susceptible to develop clinical illness due to these infections.
International Laboratories
Igenex: Location: America. A wide range of tests for Lyme disease and possible co-infections is available, including three Australian Panels. See Igenex (Pathology Lab) for further information, including tests available and how to send bloods to America for testing.
Infectolab: Location: Germany. A wide range of tests for Lyme disease and possible co infections is available.
Testing for Lyme Disease / Borreliosis
Australian Laboratories
Australian Biologics: Location: Sydney, Australia. A range of tests for Lyme disease is available. Testing is also available for opportunistic infections such as Mycoplasma and Chlamydophila (Chlamydia) pneumoniae (Cpn). Whilst many people may carry infections such as Cpn, immune compromised individuals may be more susceptible to develop clinical illness due to these infections.
International Laboratories
Igenex: Location: America. A wide range of tests for Lyme disease and possible co-infections is available, including three Australian Panels. See Igenex (Pathology Lab) for further information, including tests available and how to send bloods to America for testing.
Infectolab: Location: Germany. A wide range of tests for Lyme disease and possible co infections is available.