Responses / Submissions to the Scoping Study "To Develop and Research Project(s) to Investigate the Presence or Absence of Lyme Disease in Australia"
The Scoping Study was commissioned by the Clinical Advisory Committee, Click Here for more info on the committee and the links to download/read the scoping study research. Below are responses from many members of the Australian Lyme community with regards to what was presented as the scoping study research.
Lyme Australia Recognition & Awareness (LARA)
Submission by Karen Smith
Submission + 3 Attachments detailed opposite.
The submission itself: Cover Letter and patient story / Reason for Interest in Lyme Research Scoping Study Response/Comments Pages 3-21 References Pages 22- 42
K Smith Attachment 1: A little More on Patient
Story. I originally wrote my “story” in 2011. This is attached. As is my positive
blood results (Australian bio) and brain/spect scans.
Attached also is a picture of an EM on daughters face – She also has a positive PCR blood result. She has never left Australia. And nor had I before I went to the UK for Lyme treatment in 2012.
K Smith Attachment 2: “Lyme Disease: A
Counter Argument of the Australian Government’s Denial”. Referenced/Relevant to Comment 6.
An Audio / video I prepared (for those that have trouble reading) to detail the problems. Please note: The original PDF version of Counter Argument has been corrected as of April 2014 (The content/message remains the same - was grammatical/spelling/formatting errors).
K Smith Attachment 3: Seabird Areas around Australia Coastline. Referenced/ Relevant to Comment 5. I wrote the information in this attachment a couple of years ago in order to show how often/where seabirds
interact with human population. This
information has also been available on the website since 2012; and can be seen
Lyme Disease Association of Australia (LDAA)
Huge thanks to the Authors of the LDAA Scoping Study Submission, who led the discussion topics in the facebook group "Task Force Lyme Planning Response to Scoping Study", by breaking the Scoping Study Report into smaller workable segments. Many thanks to Rachel Penny who saw the need and instigated the facebook group, to which over 120 people joined to take part in the discussion and research process. Thank you so much to everyone who contributed.
Lyme Disease Association of Australia (LDAA) submission can be seen on the LDAA webpage or alternatively downloaded at their link: |
Lyme Links - North Coast
Lyme Disease & Associated Tick Borne Diseases Support Network
Submission by Lynn Rees and Sara Walker representing LymeLinks
Sarcoidosis Lyme Association (SLA)
Western Australia Lyme Association (WALA)
Submission by Kate Daniels