This page is a place where people can register their support for the Lyme disease Awareness Protest in Queensland on the 23rd of November 2012. Comments are welcome from those who able to attend, those that wish to tell their "lyme story", as well as all those offering their support for the Recognition and Treatment of Lyme disease - not just in Queensland, but the whole of Australia - and indeed a call for more Research Worldwide!!
Greg Jervis
19/11/2012 21:33:31
Karin Floate
19/11/2012 22:01:42
19/11/2012 23:27:44
Hi there, my heartfelt support to this protest. The Australian medical attitude towards Lyme is criminal and negligent. Even people infected overseas can be rejected, bullied and denied medical support here. That's outrageous, unjust and immoral.
Judy Frizzell
20/11/2012 03:08:52
It is so good to know that there are people well enough to represent those who are not well enough to attend. I know some of you will be risking severe rebound symptoms or payback by being there in person (and not having a bed to lie on) so let us hope that this attempt to make our voices heard is well and truly worth it. Thank you participants and "Go the green".
Dr Ivan Hooper
20/11/2012 23:27:36
I cant be there, but I am working away here in rural Victoria, talking and promoting the cause.
22/11/2012 02:02:27
Great to see a Dr supporting. Also I haven't heard of this treatment you mention so will be onto doing some research when possible thanks Dr Ivan Hooper
Janice Foster
21/11/2012 01:52:23
Just wanted to express my support for this protest, and agree with all the comments above.
21/11/2012 04:13:59
My Story .. I was born in 1964
Maureen Seaward
21/11/2012 06:35:43
I would just like to wish everybody luck for the protest.
Debra Sutton-Smith
22/11/2012 02:27:49
I have had Lyme disease for about 2 1/2 years now after being bitten by a tick doing my gardening in a suburban block on the Gold Coast. You don't have to be out in the bush to get ticks. Because I wasn't aware of Lyme disease I didn't seek treatment after seeing the tick on me after showering later that day. If I had known then what I know now through the info provided through the Karl McManus foundation I could have been saved this misery and extreme pain by having antibiotic treatment straight away. I stumbled upon Lyme disease by spotting a picture of a bullseye rash some people get after a tick bite that I did get. This was 6 months after the bite and the flu like illness I kept getting every 3 to 4 weeks, then armed with this info and pleased that I had found what was wrong my gp told me Lyme didn't exist inAustralia. I sent my blood overseas as we don't even have competent testing available here. I came back positive without a doubt to Lyme , then the expensive treating begins. The finding of a Lyme literate doctor that knows how and will treat you, these dr's are few and far between. I have only started treatment earlier this year and as for all of us have at least a 2 year treatment plan ahead. This treatment can often make you feel even worse. We desperately need to spread awareness so people don't need to go through this. We need better testing available here in Australia and we need Dr's that know how to treat us and a treating facility for some that are so weak they need hospitalisation to get through the treatment. Please listen , take note, and help is where you can. Lyme is here and it's spreading daily. We need the health dept to acknowledge and help now
Sue McFarlane
22/11/2012 12:49:54
I am unable to attend the protest, because I live in Melbourne.
22/11/2012 23:01:09
Our journey with Lyme began seven years ago when my partner Len was bitten by a paralysis tick in a State Forest near Maryborough, Queensland. In the years following the tick bite Len suffered numerous illnesses but not once did any of the medical profession suggest the possibility of him having Lyme.
Tammy Petrov
23/11/2012 00:40:46
wishing all you Lymies the best outcomes for the protest in QLD.
Jill Marley
23/11/2012 22:57:32
Even this morning I am completely overwhelmed by a blanket of emotional pain for these people. Why on earth is this happening in Australia? I spoke to many people at the Brisbane protest who were steps ahead of my daughter in their treatment so they were able to advise us which way to go much more effectively than the many doctors in her seven year journey for a diagnosis. The young GP who treats some of them attended the protest rally and spoke and there was another GP standing there representing her patient. A long list of sufferers was read out. I felt the heavy weight of knowing my daughter was on this list. I’m deeply moved by the experience of the Brisbane protest rally yesterday and sincerely thank the organisers of this event, properly organised in a dignified manner to achieve much needed recognition. Well done!
Sue Raven
24/11/2012 12:59:10
I have a good friend suffering from Lyme it bascially robs people of their lives and hubby who may have it yet to be confimed.
A decade before LYME diagnosis in 2009 and LLMD. recommended treatment plan to my Australian GP. Disabled by 21, Hospitalised almost died at 19 when I had disseminated lyme rashes and arthritis fever pneumoniaand babesia symptoms plus low b12 pots and severe anemia wt loss and heart rate at 120 rest to 160 walking. Diagnosed autoimmune and treated as such. Opposite to my current lyme treatment which has mad me feel like a teenager again but now I am 30. What led to all this...
19/9/2013 16:35:31
Bitten by a tick in qld....had a rash and have many symptoms.Doctors say Lyme is not in Australia. No tests, nothing.
Wendy Saunders
5/2/2015 03:58:50
Hi how do you get tested for Lymes disease my son has been ill since he was in the Tully jungle here in far NQ we live in Townsville he was serving the army and has been very sick since contracting Leptospirosis,Ross River fever,Rickitsial,Parasites and is still very ill he shows signs of Lymes Disease please let me know where he can be tested im desperate..
Karen Smith
5/2/2015 05:17:03
Hi Wendy - If you contact the Lyme Disease Association of Australia - they can send you a test kit for IGenex.
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